I'm a Beachbody coach and really love and enjoy what I do. Sharing what has worked for me with others and what it's doing for them is very rewarding. It's not about the money or the rewards. However, I got caught up in that and lost sight of WHY I coach.
I decided to take a step back and rediscover my reason for joining this amazing company. My reason (or Why) is to share with others what Beachbody has done for me. I have enjoyed a healthier and fitter lifestyle because if this company so why would I not share it with others. The other part of my why is to provide the financial freedom my family needs and deserves. I am here to set an example for my son to learn to make healthy choices in life.
Here are some things that I did to keep myself pushing play everyday, even though I wanted to quit.
1. I stayed consistent. Meaning I kept posting my accountability (sweaty face pic and meals). I also began posting more motivational and inspirational quotes and pictures.
2. I didn't stop working out. I made the decision one year ago to change my lifestyle and there is nothing that will stop me from maintaining this now. When I get my workout in, I FEEL much better. I'm in a better mood, which in turn makes me a better person
3. I started reading personal development books daily. I made it a goal to read for at least 30 minutes each day. It's amazing how reading a book can help you has a person and help your business grow. I'm currently reading Go Pro by Eric Worre and The 5 Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman.
4. I joined groups that would help hold me accountable in this business. I was/am required to post my accountability daily...and it didn't matter if I didn't do anything business related that day or not. I still posted.
5. I keep track of everyone I talked to. And because I've been doing this, I didn't like seeing empty days...so that was a motivating factor in and of itself.
6. I always check in for team calls, the National Wake up Call (which is every Monday morning). Tons of nuggets of information from these calls. Even if I cannot make it when they're happening, I make to listen to the recording. These calls have become a very important part of my weekly schedule.
These are just a few things that I've done to keep myself moving forward. I could've easily given up and decided that this business just isn't for me. But I KNOW that I can succeed in this IF I keep doing these things I just mentioned. It all comes down to consistency.
Great post and tips Kelle!